A place where YOU belong

We Believe Jesus Is Big Enough

As a church, Foundry seeks to create and facilitate environments where everyone can encounter the living God. We base of vision of of John 1:14, where we read "The Word became Human and made his Home among us..." We desire for everyone to be alongside of Jesus and His work in our world.

Church Calendar

Following Jesus Together in Community

Sunday Worship

143 Church Street, Sterlington, La

Foundry gathers for worship on Sunday mornings
both in-person and virtually






9:00am Facebook


FOUNDRYyouth creates spaces for 6th thru 12th graders to grow with Jesus alongside each other. They meet on Sundays at 4 PM.

Learn More


FOUNDRYkids meets Sunday morning for ages 0 thru 5th grade

Sterlington Area Food Bank

The Sterlington Area is a ministry towards a 3 parish area. It holds a monthly food distribution on the 3rd Sunday of the month and a committed group of volunteers facilitate this work.

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"Creating Environments For People To Experience a God Big Enough For All Their Needs"
Our Mission Statement