Serve At Foundry

Creating environments for people to experience a God big enough for all their needs.

Foundry is a church with a big vision. We believe God is calling us to be part of reaching the greater Monroe area and to tell people that Jesus is Big Enough.

Our Teams

Our mission is to create environments for people to experience a God big enough for all their needs. These environments range from Sunday morning worship, Sunday morning FOUNDRYkids, meetings around the parish, setting up for events and serving in many other areas. Serving is part of fulfilling our “4 assumptions about Jesus“:

1. Jesus is here in our communities.
2. Jesus is active in our communities.
3. Jesus wants us to be part of what he is doing.
4. Our greatest fulfillment will happen as we discover ourselves through taking part in this mission.

We want to invite you to be part of this big mission. You don’t have to be perfect. None of us are. You just have to be willing. Come help us tell more folks that Jesus truly is big enough.

Production Team

Our production team prepares spaces for worship, events and meetings. No experience required. If you have ever wanted to learn how to run audio, lights or projection-these are the folks making it happen. They transform random places into amazing worship and spiritual formation environments.

Worship Arts

Do you love worship? There’s just something about a room full of people who are singing, praying and interacting with Jesus.Our worship arts team leads us in song, helps facilitate communion and baptism, and makes our worship environments look beautiful. If you are an artist, or just want to be around other creatives, this is the perfect place to serve.

Welcome Ministries

No one likes being a stranger! Our welcome ministries coordinate hospitality on Sunday mornings, make coffee and prep for visitors. They also assist with registration at events and make sure that everyone feels welcome when they are at a Foundry gathering. If you like talking with folks, this is a great way to serve. If you like to be behind the scenes, or help coordinate alongside of a team, our welcome ministries could be a perfect place for you.


Do you love kids? Are you passionate about the next generation knowing Jesus. FOUNDRYkids is one of the most important areas of our church. Our kids make up more than 30% of who we are as a church! Each Sunday, our FOUNDRYkids leaders develop lessons that correspond with what we are talking about in worship. They provide a safe, secure and fun environment for kids of all ages to develop a big idea of Jesus. We several ways to serve with FOUNDRYkids in these areas:

-FOUNDRYkids check-in
-K-2nd graders
-3rd-5th graders